Old Photo Scanning

Old photo scanning services


Scan old photos & keep memories safe 

Professional old photo scanning & digitising services

We hold the utmost respect for each photo entrusted to us

At Yesterday’s Photo ®, we understand the significance of your cherished memories and the value they hold. With utmost care and respect, we offer a range of exceptional services to transform your original photos into digitised treasures. From preserving your family heirlooms to ensuring the longevity of important documents, our team is dedicated to delivering superior quality and meticulous attention to detail. Join us as we embark on a journey to preserve your past, today and for generations to come.

Professional photographer prepares to digitise large artwork in a white studio surround with strobes and camera lenses in the foreground

Uniting Passion for Photography with Advanced Scanning Technology

At Yesterdays Photo®, our love for photography runs deep, and we wholeheartedly embrace this art form in our advanced scanning techniques. We believe that preserving your cherished memories goes beyond mere technicalities. It requires a genuine appreciation for the artistry and emotions captured within each photograph but most of all empathy for your history.

Re-capturing Old Moments with Care and High-End Scanning Gear

When it comes to scanning and digitising your photos, we merge our passion for photography with cutting-edge techniques and gear. Our team understands the intricate nuances of composition, lighting, and storytelling that make a photograph truly special. By combining our expertise in scanning technology with our artistic sensibilities, we ensure that your memories are not only preserved but also enhanced in their digital form.

Several aspects, like as using the right tools, taking careful precautions beforehand, and employing efficient scanning procedures, contribute to ensuring the highest quality in the photo restoration process.

Using state-of-the-art scanning equipment, we meticulously capture every detail, color tone, and texture of your photographs. We understand that each image carries its own unique story, and our goal is to bring that story to life in the digital realm. Our dedication to the craft of photography enables us to deliver stunning results that reflect the original beauty and sentiment of your precious memories.


Elderly woman holding a vintage album before being digitalised
Hand holding a set of photographs

Our legacy is Preserving yours!

Whether it’s a small collection of family portraits or large format photos, banners, or murals, we approach each project with the utmost care and enthusiasm. We believe that by infusing our love for photography into every step of the scanning process, we can create digitised versions that truly resonate with you and evoke the same emotions as the original prints.

At Yesterdays Photo®, we are not just scanning and digitising photos; we are preserving your legacy and immortalising the artistry captured within each image. Join us on this journey as we combine our passion for photography with advanced scanning techniques, ensuring that your memories remain vivid and cherished for generations to come.

On-Location Scanning Solutions: Let Yesterday's Photo® Come to You!

We serve the greater Perth metropolitan area and its suburbs with our mobile scanning service. However, we are prepared to travel anywhere in Australia if necessary to complete larger assignments and take a huge number of images.

We also put at your service our high-end photography equipment necessary to scan and digitise large size pictures, banners, and murals. For the best possible colour reproduction, we employ lights and strobes with a high CRI (Colour Rendering Index) in our scanning setup.

Here at Yesterdays Photo®, we promise to restore your photos to their former glory while paying close attention to every last detail and retaining the emotional impact of the originals.

Pan pacific scout jamboree stamp

Do you want to scan your old photos at home?

A quality photo restoration usually comes from a good scan

It is possible to restore photographs from a regular home scanner input or even your phone camera if the conditions are right, but a scanner with a resolution of 600 dpi or greater is highly recommended. This enhanced resolution captures more fine-grained information, facilitating a more seamless restoration procedure and yielding better overall outcomes. For a better end result, we at Yesterdays Photo® prioritise retaining as much data as possible.

Are you interested in digitising your cherished photos from the comfort of your own home? We’re here to assist you! At Yesterdays Photo®, we understand the significance of preserving your precious memories. To provide you with the best guidance for scanning your photos at home, read our post “Quick Guide to Scanning Your Photos at Home” a comprehensive blog article that offers specific details and valuable recommendations.

Our blog post covers various aspects, including selecting an appropriate scanner, determining optimal resolution settings, and properly handling and preparing your photos for scanning.

By following our recommended best practices for scanning photos at home, you can effectively preserve your cherished moments with precision and care. 

Scanning Photos: TIFF vs JPEG

In the digital age, preserving memories through photo scanning has become increasingly popular. However, choosing the right format for scanning photos can be a daunting task. This guide will explore the differences between TIFF and JPEG formats, helping you make an informed decision.

What is TIFF?

Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) is a high-quality image format commonly used in the photography and printing industries. TIFF files are known for their lossless compression, meaning they do not lose any data when saved. This makes them ideal for archiving and printing.

What is JPEG?

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a widely-used image format known for its lossy compression. JPEG files are smaller in size, making them easier to store and share online. However, this compression can lead to a loss of image quality, especially after multiple saves.

Key Differences Between TIFF and JPEG

1. Image Quality

  • TIFF: Offers superior image quality due to lossless compression. Every detail of the original photo is preserved.
  • JPEG: Uses lossy compression, which can result in a loss of detail and quality, especially with repeated editing and saving.

2. File Size

  • TIFF: Produces larger file sizes, which can take up significant storage space. Ideal for professional use where quality is paramount.
  • JPEG: Creates smaller file sizes, making it easier to store and share. Suitable for everyday use and web uploads.

3. Editing Flexibility

  • TIFF: Allows for extensive editing without losing quality. Perfect for photographers and designers who need to manipulate images.
  • JPEG: Limited editing flexibility due to compression artifacts. Frequent edits can degrade the image quality over time.

4. Compatibility

  • TIFF: Widely supported by professional photo editing software but may not be compatible with all devices or web platforms.
  • JPEG: Universally supported across all devices and platforms, making it highly versatile for everyday use.

When to Use TIFF

Archiving and Printing

If you need to archive your photos or produce high-quality prints, TIFF is the best choice. The lossless compression ensures that every detail is preserved, making it ideal for long-term storage and professional printing.

Extensive Editing

For images that require extensive editing, TIFF provides the flexibility needed to make multiple adjustments without compromising quality. This makes it a preferred format for photographers and graphic designers.

When to Use JPEG

Online Sharing

JPEG’s smaller file size makes it perfect for online sharing. Whether you’re uploading to social media or sending via email, JPEG files are quick to upload and easy to share.

Everyday Use

For everyday snapshots and casual photography, JPEG is a convenient choice. The reduced file size allows you to store more photos on your devices without worrying about storage limits.

Scanning FAQs

What is the best format for scanning old photos?

For archiving and high-quality prints, TIFF is recommended. For everyday use and sharing, JPEG is more convenient.

Can I convert JPEG to TIFF?

Yes, you can convert JPEG to TIFF using photo editing software, but the quality will not improve beyond the original JPEG.

Does scanning at a higher resolution improve image quality?

Scanning at a higher resolution can capture more detail, but it also increases file size. Balance your needs for quality and storage space.

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Dust & Scratches Removal

holes dust and scratches on a child portrait


from your old photographs

How to safely remove dust from your photos?

Dust is one of the silent killers of a photograph

Photographs are incredibly valuable for our lives, they are a communication channel with the younger generations and a way to preserve our history and pass on our legacy.

If you have plenty of photos stored in an old shoebox or in an album, you need to realise that wether you want it or note, these are degrading day by day as the pass of time do not contribute to preserve them, and dust is one of the major silent killers of a photograph.

Dust and particles contribute to the Physical or mechanical damage, which is one of the most common causes for photo deterioration, every time you get them out of their album or you scramble them in your hands a small amount of deterioration by friction is happening, sometimes not noticeable but progressively destroying your memories.

This means that dust and scratches, which may have built up over time, are a major obstacle to overcome, here are some tips on best practices to preserve your photos and deal with dust in a smarter way:

Halt! The Reason You Shouldn’t Simply Dust Off Your Old Photographs

Although it may seem like a good idea to just wipe the dust, particles or built up off a picture with a towel or tissue, doing so might actually do more harm to the original. The reason for this is because wiping a picture with a cloth or tissue might harm the photo’s fragile emulsion layer if dust particles are present, particularly if they are attached to the surface of the photo.

Use a soft-bristled brush or air blower to get rid of dust from an image. To remove loose dust without disturbing the emulsion layer, use a soft-bristled brush, such as a camel hair brush. Loose dust may be blown away using an air blower, such as a hand-held bulb blower or a compressed air canister, without touching the picture itself.

If the dirt or grime on the picture is too resistant to be cleaned using a brush or air blower, it may be better to have a professional conservator clean the photo in a safe and effective manner. 


hand with gloves holding a swap to prepare photo for scanning

Keep in mind that preventing harm to a priceless photograph is always preferable than attempting to restore one that has already been compromised and please DO NOT use Chemicals or alcohol based products.

A good scanner is handy, but good scanner practices are imperative!

Old photo scanning services

A Scanner provides a controlled environment to process your old photos, there are many options in the market to suit your specific needs, starting from mobile or home versions,  professional flatbed  scanners and up to aereal or drum scanners that provide museum quality results.

Assuming that you own a reasonable quality flatbed scanner you can do this at home following our recommended scanning guidelines including cleaning your scanner, setting up bith and depht, a 600dpi minimum resolution and always scanning in colour (Yes even black and white or sepia photos)

Alternatively you can contact us and send us your photos for a damage assessment or for bulk scanning (We know how to handle them with care) or visit our photo restoration price guide to get an idea of the services we provide 

Some picture scanners are better than others when it comes to digitising your old family snapshots. Better quality scans amplify the results of the restoration because of the increased detail and resolution and colour processing that comes from using a high-quality scanner.

If you want to preserve the quality of the original picture, you’ll can benefit from a scanner with a high enough resolution and specifications.

Effective scanning procedures are a massive part of the result obtained from the digitising operation.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Making sure the picture is completely wrinkle- and fold-free before placing it on the scanner bed.
  • Carefully removing, grease dust and dirt from the scanner glass as it may introduce new flaws into the digitised picture, so keeping it clean is essential.
  • Scanning the image from different angles
  • Use a proper configuration and software
  • Prevent and avoid vibrations on the scanners surface

Scanning is a good way to get your images digitalised and the first step to get your photos into photoshop to make them look they way they used to or even better, hence the importance to get this right since the beginning, (Check on our article tips to scanning photos or visit our blog if you are facing those nasty honeycomb paper textures)

What Causes Scratches in an Old Photograph?

An antique photograph’s surface may develop scratches for a number of different causes over time. These may include the photograph being handled improperly, being stored incorrectly, or being exposed to dust or harder surfaces or elements, even deliberately scratched.

Scratches are also possible to appear on a photograph if the emulsion layer has been scraped or damaged in any way.

It is essential to handle old photographs with care and to preserve them in a location that is both cool and dry to reduce the likelihood that they will get scratched or even cracked.

It is best to avoid exposing the photographs to direct sunlight or temperatures that are very high, since doing so might cause the emulsion layer to get damaged and result in scratches.

Additionally, you should avoid using any materials, such as sticky tape or other substances that can leave a residue on the picture.

Scratched photo of Australian aircraft - three RAAF Beaufort bombers

Do not add Dust!

When scanning a photo in a good resolution (starting at 600dpi) we are enlarging the area of the photo and therefore enlarging any issues therein contained, as these are going to be severely magnified, we o not wat to add an extra layer of problems by adding dust and other particles onto the scanning process, so make sure that your photo and scanner glass are very clean. 

Have in mind that there are recommended methods and products to clean your scanner so do not take this process lightly and abide to the manufacturer recommendations. Also have in mind that friction can damage your photo further so take the proper preventative measures to preserve them.

Best photo restoration results are often consequence of a good preparation of the photos, a clean scanner and resolution of at least 600dpi and 16 bit depth when scanning.

Man holding a magnification loupe to assess the damage of a photo prior estimating the photo restoration services
Black manual air duster or air pump

Air Dusting: A Safe and Effective Way to Remove Dust from Photos

In addition to using a good scanner and following proper scanning practices, clean surfaces are essential to achieving good results. Both the glass on the scanner bed and the photo itself should be cleaned thoroughly before scanning. Any dust or debris on the surface can be captured by the scanner and become part of the digitized image. Preparing the photo before scanning is also important. Any loose debris or dust should be removed from the photo with a soft brush or compressed air. It’s also a good idea to handle the photo by the edges to avoid leaving fingerprints or other marks on the surface

Using Adobe photoshop’s, Dust and Scratches filter.

Retouching photos may be accomplished with the use of Photoshop’s dust and scratches feature, which is a tool. It does this by minimising the visibility of flaws such as minor scratches and dust particles in a picture.

Although it has the potential to be a helpful tool, it is not without both advantages and disadvantages.

The capability of the dust and scratches function to erase minor flaws from a photograph in a fast and uncomplicated manner is one of the most significant benefits of using this feature.

When compared to the alternative of manually removing each individual scratch or speck of dust, it can save a significant amount of time. Additionally, it is a non-destructive tool, meaning that the original image is not altered and the changes can be undone if necessary.

photoshop interface showing, dust and scratches filter over the image of two girls being edited
image detail before dust and scratches filter is applied dust-and-scratches-supression-after

Dust and scratches filter limitations

However, utilising the dust and scratches feature does come with a few limitations that you should be aware of. One of the primary problems is that it often causes the edges of a picture to become blurry. This can result in a loss of detail and make the image look less sharp. In addition, using the function excessively can result in the image losing its texture, which can cause it to appear artificial. This issue can arise if the function is applied too heavily.

It’s possible to make too much use of the dust and scratches feature, which is another problem with it. It is possible that the picture may take on a “plastic” appearance if it is applied too thickly or too often, giving the impression that it has been over-edited. It is essential to make use of the instrument in a measured manner and only when absolutely required.

Pen a Message and send us a snapshot of your photo

A Journey Through Time Begins here!

with Us!

Drop us a message if you have any questions or seek personalised services, art commission, assessments, or estimates. Our team is committed to promptly assisting you!

Remember, no stamps required! We’re just a click away.

Pan pacific scout jamboree stamp

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Street: 2A Talbot Way,
City: Woodlands
State: Western Australia
Postal code: 6018

Mobile: +61 4 9785 9034

Photo Restoration

Resolution comparison of an edited portrait


We preserve your legacy 

Expert photo editor approach

Your family heirlooms are safe with us

When it comes to photo editing, there’s no shortage of options. You could turn to AI or enlist the help of an amateur, but when it comes to truly bringing your photos to life, nothing beats the expertise of a professional photo editor, we know photo restoration is an art.

An expert photo editor has a keen eye for detail and can bring out the best in your images through careful adjustments to color, lighting, and composition. They have the skill and knowledge to turn an ordinary photo into a work of art.

AI and amateurs may be able to make basic corrections, but they lack the creative touch and years of experience that make all the difference in producing stunning, professional-grade results. Trust the experts to bring out the full potential of your photos<br>

Digital photo restoration specialists

We Handle your family history with care

Are you tired of watching your cherished family memories fade away? At our photo restoration service, we understand the value of preserving your family’s legacy.

Old photos are important part of our history, they play a vital role on how we communicate our history to the upcoming generations and they area callings to our memories, family albums are one of our most important belongings, they are the type of things that are irreplaceble but ironically overlooked often,  thing is, even if stored with care old photos keep ageing and deteriorating and eventually fade.

Things get worse when our photo memories have been affected by real physical damage, torn, wet or burnt , by using Photoshop, latest A.I technologies, and our photo restoration artistic skills we can recover, recreate or even recompose a damage photography and make sure your legacy is well preserved.

Elderly woman holding a vintage album before being digitalised

Our photo restoration process


First, we analyse the damage to your photo and give you a photo restoration proposal and quote based on your requirements.


Your input is essential, and we take your desires and requirements very seriously. You’ll help us understand the restoration and its purpose before we begin.


By using the latest photo editing software, artificial intelligence and specialised techniques, we bring your memories back to life digitally.


Once your digital restoration is ready, you can add high quality printing and framing to your order to make the perfect gift or heirloom.

Antique folding camera with bellows and a handheld trigger,

Passion for old photo restoration

Photo restoration is an art – one that we’re passionate about at Yesterdays. We understand that your family’s legacy is irreplaceable and can fade if not treated properly. That’s why we take great pride and care in handling your most precious memories. We love hearing the stories behind each photo and bringing them back to life, repairing the damage that time and the environment have caused. It’s not just our business, it’s our calling. At Yesterdays, we provide professional and personalised solutions for your specific photo restoration needs. 

Our thorough process includes extreme care and attention to detail every step of the way. Trust us to honour your most precious moments

1. Photo damage assessment

First, we need to understand the level and kind of damage your photo has been exposed to, fingerprints, faded colour, scratches, cracks, torn photos and missing pieces can be fixed, sometimes with astonishing results.

We carefully plan the method of restoration; categorise the level of restoration and if needed, we acquire the necessary assets or visual information to restore your photo.

Our photo editing professionals are able to identify and rectify the most challenging scenarios, get in touch with us and receive a personalised assessment of you photos, family album or photo collection.

Damage assessment over an old photo using a magnifier and revealing a honeycomb pattern
Epson-V850 pro flatbed scanner

2. Preserving your past with precision:

How advanced scanning techniques can bring your old photos back to life?

Technology has made scanning old photographs and pictures so much simpler today, you can achieve a really good outcome without the need of powerful equipment.

However, if you want the best outcome of a photo restoration, preserve the original photo in the best condition, advanced equipment, controlled environments, and top-notch scanning techniques are a must.

This means that were can use your old prints, daguerrotypes, slides, negatives or reproductions, work from your own scans or small digits; files and yet deliver a good quality photo restoration.

3. Professional photography editing

Preserve your most treasured memories with our professional photo restoration and editing services. Our team of experts have the skills and tools to bring new life to old and damaged photographs, ensuring that they remain a part of your family legacy for years to come. 

Whether it’s faded colour, scratches, water damage or even missing parts, we can repair and restore your photos with incredible attention to detail and artistic flair. With our personalised and professional approach, we’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your restored photos are exactly as you imagined. Trust us to honour your most precious memories

Resolution comparison of an edited portrait

Photo enhancement
& Colourisation

At Yesterdays, we don’t just enhance photos – we bring them to life! Our team of skilled professionals use cutting-edge technology and artistic flair to give your old or damaged photographs a new lease of life. 

We can make them larger, crisper, and more detailed than ever before, add texture that you can almost feel, and bring vibrant colours to black and white images. We understand that every photograph tells a unique story, and we’re passionate about helping you tell it in the most beautiful and memorable way possible. So, whether you want to relive cherished family memories or create stunning works of art from your old photographs, we’ve got you covered

Restore entire photo collections

We love and respect history as it is the way we connect with our individual and collective past

At Yesterdays we do not only restore photos, we preserve memories stories and legacies, we believe that memories are the best present

 A faded picture in your family album does not need belong in a graveyard of memories it deserves a place in your family genealogy,  and the heart of the  generations to come.

Let your legacy prevail.

Hand holding a set of photographs

Old photo Restoration gallery

Samples of photography restoration

faded photo of cricket players prior restoration Restoration and colourisation of a faded photo with two cricket players
Faded photo of two girls Photo of two girls after restoration

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a Timely Deliver!

Drop us a message if you have any questions or seek personalised services, art commission, assessments, or estimates. Our team is committed to assisting you promptly!

Remember, no stamps required! We’re just a click away.